Online Course 2
Welcome to the Colour Comfort Method for Insight, Transformation and Solutions
In Module 1 you have learned the basics about colour. In Module 2 we are going to go deeper into the meaning of colour. This course will provide information and inspiration to use colour consciously in your private or professional life. All online presentations are available to you on this webpage and you can access this page on this website via the "MEMBERS LOGIN" menu tab at the top corner using your username/password.
I recommend you cover no more than 1 or 2 colours a day so that you can fully comprehend each presentation. You can use the controls at the bottom of each slide if you need to scroll back to a previous presentation or if you want to pause.
Enjoy this online course and if you have any questions, feel free to send me an email via and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Section 1: Introduction
This presentation will give the outline of this Module and what you have to do before starting this Module.
Colour speaks faster than you can even think!
Section 2: Colour Clothing Chart
One of the unique aspects of the Colour Comfort Method is that it not only interprets the language of colour but also looks at where on the body the different colours are used. I call that the colour positioning, which I will explain in section 4. To get a better picture of yourself and the colours you are drawn to, I would recommend that you fill in a colour clothing chart. Before we explain how to use the Colour Clothing Chart, you need to download 2 documents via the following hyperlink: The Clothing Colour Chart1, The Clothing Colour Chart2.
With the information you are receiving in this module, you will be able to look at your own colour clothing chart and ‘see’ what is happening on an emotional level.
There is more to Colour than meets the eye!
Section 3: The Colour Presentations
Each colour is explained separately and there are 17 colours in total. You will learn what it means when you have never worn a colour, or stopped wearing it, or started to wear a colour or even the significance of wearing a colour regularly or too often. Every presentation can take up to approximately 20 - 30 minutes and ends with a quiz to test your understanding. Before you start you need to download 2 colour workbooks which you will need when watching the presentations of the 17 colours: The colour workbook overdosing - lacking, The colour workbook past colour choices. Enjoy.
We are going to investigate and explain the colour red, using some illustrations. The illustrations show an aspect of the characteristics of the colour. Red is a physical energetic colour and is therefore portrayed in the settings of a gym.
Olive / Lime green
Olive Lime green is a combination of green and yellow. Every spring, we experience feelings of hope and trust in life when we see the first green leaves appear on the trees and plants. Olive Lime green also represents feminine and/or creative leadership qualities.
Green is a colour of nature and following your heart’s desires and making decisions to move on and the illustrations are therefore portrayed in the settings of a crossroad in a forest.
Indigo / Navy blue
We are going to investigate and explain the colour indigo / navy blue, using some illustrations. The illustrations show an aspect of the characteristics of the colour. Indigo / navy blue is a colour of vision and authority and is therefore portrayed in the settings of a corporate office.
We are going to investigate and explain the colour violet/lavender, using some illustrations. The illustrations show an aspect of the characteristics of the colour.
violet/lavender is a colour of meditation and the non physical world and is therefore portrayed in the settings of a fairytale.
We are going to investigate and explain the colour purple, using some illustrations. The illustrations show an aspect of the characteristics of the colour.
purple is a colour of inspiration and religion and institutions and is therefore portrayed in the settings of a roman empire.
We are going to investigate and explain the colour magenta/ fuchsia, using some illustrations. The illustrations show an aspect of the characteristics of the colour.
Magenta/fuchsia is a colour of innovative and out of the box thinking and is therefore portrayed in the settings of a modern apartment.
We are going to investigate and explain the colour pink, using some illustrations. The illustrations show an aspect of the characteristics of the colour.
pink is a colour of care, nurturing and new beginnings and is therefore portrayed in the settings of a baby nursery.
We are going to investigate and explain the colour white, using some illustrations. white is a colour of openness and cleanliness and the illustrations are portrayed in the settings of a clean and tidy room.
We are going to investigate and explain the colour grey, using some illustrations. The illustrations show an aspect of the characteristics of the colour.
grey is a colour of quality and intellect and is therefore portrayed in the settings of an office.
We are going to investigate and explain the colour burgundy, using some illustrations. The illustrations show an aspect of the characteristics of the colour.
burgundy is a colour of luxury and is therefore portrayed in the settings of an expensive shop.
We are going to investigate and explain the colour brown, using some illustrations. The illustrations show an aspect of the characteristics of the colour.
brown is the colour of nurturing and traditional home life and is therefore portrayed in the settings of a family having a meal together.
We are going to investigate and explain the colour black, using some illustrations. The illustrations show an aspect of the characteristics of the colour.
black is a colour of strength and not showing your emotions is therefore portrayed in the settings of the black and white knight.
Colour is a truthful message
What's next?
One of the unique aspects of the Colour Comfort Method is that it not only interprets the language of colour but also looks at where on the body the different colours are used. I call that the colour positioning, which I will explain in section 4. To get a better picture of yourself and the colours you are drawn to, I would recommend that you fill in a colour clothing chart. Before we explain how to use the Colour Clothing Chart, you need to download 2 documents via the following hyperlink: The Clothing Colour Chart1, The Clothing Colour Chart2.
Section 4: Colour in the real world
One of the unique aspects of the Colour Comfort Method is that it not only interprets the language of colour but also looks at where on the body the different colours are used. You can look at someone’s colour choices in clothing and ‘see’ how they feel or how they want to present themselves. If you combine the colour choices with the colour positioning and the patterns they use, you get a clear picture.
Colour Positioning
We are now going to have a look at the meaning of different parts of the body. When you combine the meaning of a colour with where on the body this particular colour is used, it will give more detailed information about the wearer of the colour. For example: the positioning of colour on the upper half of your body (blouse, t-shirt, shirt, polo-shirt) represents your emotional state. Enjoy the more detailed explanation on colour positioning in this presentation.
Colour Patterns
As with colour, you are drawn to certain patterns for a specific reason, because they relate to your way of thinking and how you deal with everyday situations. And like colour, each pattern will create a different impression. See the presentation for more information.
How to read people
Use your knowledge of colour to ‘read’ people by looking at their colour choices, the colour positioning and the patterns they are wearing.
Colour in Meetings and logo's
What do you want to communicate in your meeting? Are the colours in your logo reflecting your business?
Colour and Symptons
Every symptom in communicating a message to us. If you combine this with colour, you will get a deeper understanding of what your symptom is trying to tell you. Before you start you need to download a colour workbook which you will need when watching this presentation: The colour workbook symptoms,
Colour speaks about you before you have opened your mouth!
Section 5: Conclusion
Thank you for joining me on this fascinating journey through the world of colour! You now have a tool for life. Let me explain how you can use colour professionally.
I am of course curious to hear your experiences with colour and would love to stay in touch with you. You can always contact me by sending an email to If you have suggestions for improvement of this online course, I am also very interested to hear from you. And remember: